Sydney Staff Songsters
A choir of the Salvation Army, who, through music and our dedicated lives, aim to passionately communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Home again.
Some people have stayed on to enjoy North Queensland's delights, but the majority of the group are home. It was great to be met at the airport by so many friends and loved ones - a big thanks to them for supporting us so well.
I'm real tired so time to get some sleep, but will upload some more photos and write some more tomorrow.
God has been so good - we have so much to share!
Stay Real!
PS. Sweeeeeet! Broadband again!
Guest Blogger - Christine P
I have been humbled and delighted by the response of people in the various Corps centres to the ministry that we bring. And I was challenged by the committment they have to bring the light of Jesus to their people. Some of the Corps we visited are facing issues and difficult times, and I believe that God had His hand on our tour from before we even started. This was the right time for us to visit these places - not only to share the Gospel with those who may not know Jesus, but also to bring a time of refreshing and blessing to the Officers and Corps folk who are giving of themselves constantly to be Jesus to their communities. I believe God worked through us to bring encouragement, blessing and assurance to those who came to see us.
Wow!! It's all over...but the challenge now is to take the same sort of committment that we have seen this week back into our own Corps and community, believing that God will take our efforts and multiply them. Praise Him!!
Guest Blogger - Graham A
Despite being born south of the border (not as far as Mexico way) I am a supporter of all that Qld offers... the Maroons, the Bulls and the Reds... just to name a few. I waited with great expectation the opportunity to travel north to minisiter with the songsters.
I must say that this time away has left every thought or preconceived idea blown out of the water. I was looking forward to meeting the people, visiting the towns and understanding what it means to be a salvationist in the north.
Can I be brutally honest about my dedication to the Army? I saw so many people in every corps we visited that made me feel almost ashamed of the little time and energy I put into my community. I am so busy with the Salvation Army thing all the time but I saw God's people meeting the need in their differing communities with practical means and even more importantly with the message of a great God's love for every person.
I was challenged to make sure that God's message of Salvation, Grace and Hope was absolutely evident in my life... you never know who God needs you to meet today!
I pray that my life is always showing that grace, hope and peace to other people. Graeme Press challenged me personally many times over the tour when he addressed the congregations with the question, "Does God's Grace still amaze you each day?" I desire to show that grace in my own life!
Well time to let someone else have a blog... Depite having an intense passion for music I do not want to mention that as a part of my tour highlights. The highlight was meeting the people of the corps, joining them in worship of Jesus Christ and witnessing first hand their passion for saving the world, one town at a time. Australia needs Jesus like never before!!!
Graham (with the wonderful help of Christine my Kiwi Frund)
Guest Blogger - Col the Bus Driver

On board with the songsters
Thank you.
With opportunity to drive the songsters from Brisbane to Cairns came the unknown. What would it be like? The people, the concerts and services, the expectation. when God is there, don't worry be happy!
It has been fantastic!! Through these gifted and annointed people God has challenged lots of people along the way, no one more than me. Blessed? For sure. Thank you one and all for your encouragement and for being you for God.
I'm very glad I was on board with the Sydney Staff Songsters because they had God with them, living in them and shining through.
God bless,
(AKA Major Colin Robinson)
We had a lot of the day off today, so most people went into the centre of Cairns to have a look around and a shop. There's a manmade lagoon that seemed just perfect for a photo. Here's a few of us:

And some of the boys striking a pose by the foreshore:

Of course, the band that eats together plays better together, so Matty and I had an ice cream:

Warren wasn't with us, so I had an extra scoop of ice cream for him :)
We also had decided to have an unofficial SSS 'Hat Day', hence Matty and I with our stylish headwear.
The concert this evening in Cairns was incredible. The audience were so warm and welcoming. From the moment we walked out to meet them you could feel a sense of expectation and there was no disappointment.
During the break, Damien found himself a friend to play dolls with:

And here's a few photos of the audience! What a great bunch!

Marty and Sue sang Your Grace Still Amazes Me a song that has really begun to mean alot to me over the last week. When I think of all the ways God has blessed me, these words really sum it up:
What can I give You?
What can I say?
I know there's no way to repay You,
Only to offer you my praise.
God's grace astounds me!
After the concert a group of us went back into town to go for a walk and then have some coffee (and pancakes!)
The lagoon looked so pretty, I had to grab another photo:

I've spent a lot of time this week thanking God for the SSS. We've grown alot together this week and been through some stuff together, but this only makes us stronger. Each member of the group has blessed me in their own way. For those in the the SSS who'll read this, I love you all so much. Thanks for allowing me to be part of this God-annointed ministry.
Time for some more sleep. Church tomorrow. A day of praising and worshipping our Heavenly Father. I can hardly wait!
God is good - all the time!
Stay Real,
Friday, July 14, 2006
Travelling along in the Sonshine
Here's Faithworks - where we did the concert last night:

The trip to Cairns was long, but relaxing. There was lots of laughter and frivolity on the bus as we watched videos.
We travelled through Innisfail today and saw alot of the damage caused by cyclone Larry. It's incredible that no lives were lost.
This evening we did a setup and soundcheck and then had dinner. We followed this with a group chat for an hour or two. This has always been one of the favourite things about tour for me. As a group we are very close and so this was an opportunity for us to talk about how God has blessed us so much on tour this time. We are so thankful for the blessings God gives us to allow Him to speak through us. People regularly tell us how blessed they are by us, but the glory goes to God and Him alone.
On a daily basis we have prayed for every place we have gone. We have also prayed for each other within the group. It's incredible the way God has answered these prayers.
As much as God has blessed the things we've been involved in so far, we still know he's going to bless the rest of the tour still to come. Look out Cairns, there's going to be blessings this weekend!
Stay Real,
Blessed beyond words
The Townsville Faithworks Corps have a large community programme. Part of this is providing a facility for youth to occupy themselves. The SSS also found this area quite entertaining.
Playstation for the boys:

Pinball for our leader:

The concert was great tonight. Meghan shared her testimony:

And so did Graham:

Kristin had a sing (as did many others)

It was great to catch up with Captains Ross and Mel. They're great people with a real heart for God and seeing people won for Him.
The new hall is less than 2 weeks old - opened on 1 July - and is a joy to make music in. I felt instantly at home when I walked in. I really sensed God was present.
The group as a whole have really developed over the last week. I've had the opportunity to watch them really release themselves into God's presence and freely worship while singing. It is honestly one of the greatest joys I have watching my friends worship our Lord so passionately and honestly on a daily basis.
Thanks again for all the support that all of you are giving us. And to those that have left messages thanking us for visiting, we're just glad you enjoyed yourselves. Ministering like this is such a privilege and a blessing for us.
God is so good. Thank you Father!
Stay Real,
A note from a man about Townsville
Now Mum, I have a little news... I got engaged this evening, well sort of, you see Isabel (Ross and Mel's daughter) announced to her mother that we are going to get married. I've added a photo so you can see her......
It'll most likely be a long engagement. :-p

So... Townsville, they have a wonderful new building, two weeks old if my sources are correct, the completion and timing of which I'm led to believe is a miracle in itself. A wonderful congregation, who were just so warm and welcoming that we thought we'd stop the concert to capture the moment for all time...
It's really a shame to leave in the morning, seeing as we've only just arrived, but that has been the case all throughout this tour, and this is definitely no exception.
We had an opportunity to share the comments from the BLOG thus far with the group this afternoon, they've been great to hear individually as they came in, however with the little bit of time we had before the concert we got them all together for anyone who hadn't seen them all.
Thankyou to everyone who's written, know that your words and prayers are gladly received, keep em' coming.
Well, bed calls, as there's a long ol bus trip tomorrow, and it's a rather early start.
Hope to hear from you all soon ;-)
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Guest Blogger - MattyP
It's now day 6, and we are again on the bus. The monotony of bus travel is broken up by the beautiful scenery. Yesterday a few of us took advantage of our free day by hiring a few scootercars and exploring the area around Airlie Beach, finding a beautiful waterfall, a lookout, a gorgeous beach and miles and miles of winding roads set amongst sugarcane feilds. All in all, a day well spent.
The tour has been going very well - the people in each town are so beautiful and warm, and most importantly, receptive to the moving of the Holy Spirit in our concerts and worship services. It is amazing to look into faces wet with tears, reflecting hearts in communication with the Spirit as we sing.
As a ittle sidenote, I have been thanking God for allowing us to have fun in our ministry. How good it is that God not only allows us to be a part of His work, but gives us the gift of fun and laughter along the way! We are truly blesed in God's work.
Our prayer is that the blessings will continue to flow where we have been, and the Spirit will continue to move where we have yet to go...
Matty P
Guest Blogger - Bram H
Day 5 Dive Report
A day off!! In North Queensland!! Gotta love that. We got to feel like tourists for a day in Airlie Beach, with everyone finding their own flavour of fun. For Sparky and I, it was a 15 min boat ride to Daydream Island for some adventure.
I think Sparky got the adreniline award, trying his hand at Para-Sailing. I didn't hear him practising the Soprano part of the big finish to "Your Love Still Amazes Me" while he was up, so I guess he represented the testosterone-charged basses well.
For me, it was off to the dive shop to grab a wetsuit, some bottled air and local dive guide and then spend a couple of hours having fellowship with fish. I really cannot think of a better way of getting up-close and personal with God's creation than diving. Even though the visibility yesterday was down to 3 metres at times, with vicious currents, I still had the priveledge of directly interacting with thousands of living creatures that God imagined and brought in to being. I also got to reflect on how our free will often damages God's perfection. There seemed to be a lot of evidence of pollution with dull-coloured muck covering a lot of the area and more areas of dead coral than live coral, but this just made the patches of beautifull coral and spectacular fish stand out even more. With the poor visibility and swirling currents, I had to be very careful to keep my eyes on the dive guide, as I found when I came across a friendly coral trout who didn't mine being tick
led - the guide was out of my field of vision for less than 5 seconds, but when I looked up, he was gone, and could have been anywhere; after normal search procedures kicked in, we soon found each other again and continued on. On the second dive, a couple of newly certified divers joined us, so I got to ride shotgun and keep coralling them towards the dive guide who was just a shadow in the water 4 metres away.
It is so easy for me to spiritualise things I see when I am diving - I'll leave it to you to meditate on this glimpse into God's creation through my eyes and see what God says to you.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
And on the 5th day we rested
We're in Airlie Beach and I've spent the day just relaxing. We've all just been doing whatever we feel like. Some have gone to some of the Whitsunday Islands, others shopping and some have just lazed by the pool at the Motel.
I went for a stroll through the shops in the town centre with a few of the guys and had a coffee, then another coffee, then a walk followed by a coffee... (see where this is going?)
Here's Franc at the beach (inbetween coffees!)

I've spent the afternoon at the Motel. Been in the spa, relaxed by the pool and just generally done nothing and relaxed. Oh, and I've drunk coffee! Just what I needed on a day like this. In fact, I still haven't moved from next to the pool. I'm actually still sitting there writing this on my laptop...
Anyway, gotta go. Going to have dinner shortly. Back on the road again tomorrow heading to Townsville Faithworks Corps. About 4 or so hours on the bus.
I love ministry!

PS. Happy Birthday to Graeme Press!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
The warmth of Mackay
Elwyn sang I Just Love Old People and found a new fan. I think he was pleased to meet someone shorter than him :) (we love you Elwyn!)

We also had a few opportunities for the audience to have a sing with the group tonight and I must say, they were in fine voice! Here they are - not singing just at this point (it's kinda hard for me to take photos while I'm playing)

During most concerts, the band will play something at the end of the intermission to let people know that it's time to come back and sit down. Believe it or not, most of these are made up during the intermission. We'll come up with a couple of songs, a style and a key a just sort of see how it goes. We've had some gold and some not so good.

Tonight we played the song It's no longer I That Liveth with the jazz/funk piece Chameleon. It was really cool. During this tour Marty has started being the first back to the stage and done a little dance. Tonight was his version of the robot. That boy has got some moves...

We have a day off tomorrow we'll be in Airlie Beach. It'll be nice for the group to have the opportunity to rest their voices and to just relax. We travel very well together, but not having to spend half a day on the bus should be great!
If the opportunity presents, there'll be a post tomorrow.
Stay tuned & Stay Real,
Burger Time
The King is the biggest burger they serve. Here's Matty about to tackle his:

Here's Marty working on his:

And here's the four of us who completed the challenge:

What a meal!
Guest Blogger - Rhonda S
Our travel so far by plane and coach has been uncomplicated and safe. Travelling 3-4 hours each day on the 'Hallelujah Holidays' coach driven by Coach Captain Col (in another life AKA Major Colin Robinson, Corps Officer of Capricorn Region Corps) gives us plenty of time for hilarity, sharing and sleeping!

We have visited two Corps so far, but already I've been blessed so many times - delightful billets, homecooked food and a real sense of worship as people respond and join in our concerts. A bonus already is, not only meeting new friends, but catching up with friends from the past - some not seen for 25 years.
Rhonda S
Monday, July 10, 2006
Wed're in Rockhampton. Just popped out and grabbed a bite to eat for lunch and we'll be starting a soundcheck in about 15 minutes.
On the way out of Bundaberg this morning we stopped off at the Tom Quinn Community Centre a Salvation Army run centre that provides a number of services such as Work for the Dole, rehabilitation services as well as other things. We met Tom, who is just an incredible man. He has worked tirelessly within the community to help establish the centre, which is run by both employees and volunteers.

Tom is a visionary. In fact, in his early 70's, Tom became a Barrister and now provides free legal services to some of the centre's clients. Recently, Tom has been diagnosed with cancer. But this hasn't slowed him down at all. What an incredible man! But he accepts no thanks. He gives all the glory to God. Please remember Tom in your prayers.

The rest of the day is kinda normal for us today. The concert in Rockhampton tonight will have all the Australian Eastern Territory Cabinet as well as Divisional staff - I'd better behave then ;)
I'll be back later....
Stay Real,
Guest Blogger - Bram H
As He tends to, God really did some special stuff with our offering of music and we could see people being transformed before our eyes by His touch - that is something I never tire of.
I had THE BEST billets - Katie and Craig Harlum rock!! I was totally inspired by their miraculous story and their enthusiasm for God and the Army. With Craig and Katie going into college to become future leaders of the Army next year, the Army is in safe hands: they really do get it, and us multi-generational Sallies need to spend time downloading their essence into our lives - thanks guys!
This has been a great start to what I know will be another inspiring and humbling tour with God.
Guest Blogger - Neryl P
Yesterday was a fantastic day sharing in worship with the Bundabergers. God is great and I am constantly amazed by his love and grace in my life. If the tour were to end today I would not feel ripped off. I’ve met some beautiful people and made many new friends, but more than all that, God's name has been glorified and people's lives touched by his amazing love. What more could we ask?
But the tour is moving on... Off to Rockhampton today and I gotta say I’m really happy about that. I know God has heaps more in store for us and the people we're going to meet. Hi to all supporting us with your prayers and thankyou... we appreciate you.
Guest Blogger - Susan
Nursing homes are great audiences. they really appreciate your visit and this was no exception; but ooften i feel the greatest ministry and pleasure is in the few moments before we leave.. time to have a little chat, when you take their frail old hand and they hang on a littole longer wanting you to stay.. When they tell you "No, my family don't come often - they're very busy you know"or with tears in their eyes say"I used to sing when I was young" What a privelege to be able to minister to people for whom heaven is possibly just around the corner.
We "Just love old people"
Susan P

Sunday, July 09, 2006
We started off this morning with another early start (can you tell yet that I'm not a morning person?) and broke the group into. Some went to a nursing home and some to the Elliot Heads outpost. I went to the nursing home. It was great time. The residents really enjoed the time we spent there and I was really blessed. There was lady who sat in her wheelchair and sang along with every song we did - most of which she'd never heard before - with a huge smile on her face. It was great to be involved in something that brought so much joy to them.
Ken sat down with a few of the residents to have a listen. We thought about leaving him there, he seemed to fit in...

We had a great morning worship service this morning and then afterward a fellowship lunch. I've never seen so much food! Everyone was fed and there was more left over. Those Bundabergers really know how to look after a group! I was given the task of returning thanks - kinda difficult today as I appear to have lost my voice with the flu. I got by and managed to get a few laughs...
A nice casual afternoon. I went for a stroll and had a coffee.
The PSA this afternoon was great - nice and relaxed. Quite a few laughs.
Graeme got all the Bundabergers in the group (3 people from the SSS were born in Bundaberg), as well as Wes (the new Bandmaster/Marty & Bram's cousin and the had a bit of a sing:

Our time in Bundaberg has been great. The officer came and told us this afternoon about the great work the the Salvos are doing in the local community. From drug and alcohol rehabilitation programmes to crisis accomodation, it's incredible the amount of ways they're reaching out to the local community and meeting their needs. We're going tomorrow morning to have a look at the Tom Quinn community centre. It'll be great to see what we've heard spoken about.
I learnt alot about my family history today. My Great-Grandfather was the first of my family to start coming to the Salvation Army in the early 1900's - in Bundaberg! I was given his songbook by one of my (second or third) cousins today and she talked me throught the family history. It's kinda confusing, but I'm glad to have heard it. I mean, I am the only male left in the family to carry on the family name.
Hopefully I'm not boring you too much. I'm basically trying to give people an idea of what we're doing. I've got a couple of guest bloggers booked for the next couple of days.
I'm gonna get an early night tonight. I need to get some sleep to try and battle this flu and yes Dad, I'm drinking lots of water!
Anyway time for some rest.
God is good - we're so blessed!
Stay Real,
Saturday, July 08, 2006

We performed in the school's new theatre, which has apparently only been open for about 6 months. It was great venue with state-of-the-art everything.
Tonight was also the night we debuted our new performance attire for the tour.

As part of this evening's programme there was a segment for the retirement of Bandmaster Don Cooke. We also saw the Mayor of Bundaberg present a certificate of appreciation to him. She spoke very highly of him and his presence within the local community. It was great to see a man of so many years musical experience being honoured in this way.
I always enjoy playing and tonight was no exception. The band got together for 5 minutes before we got changed and arranged a new piece to play. Because of the new Hawaiian shirts, we went with a Hawaiian type theme. The songs Wipeout, Hawaii Five-0 and With Christ in My Vessel all amalgamated in to a fun piece to start the second half.

Nights like tonight always remind me of God's annointing on us and our ministry. It's for Him we do it and for Him alone. We sang a song tonight called Still. Here's some of the words:
Hide me now under your wings,
Cover me within your mighty hand.
What a great prayer! God is protecting us and just enveloping us with His love. I've been thanking Him already for the safety with our travelling. If you're praying for us, please pray for continued protection and that our collective health would improve. There a quite a few members of the group suffering from the flu that's been going around.
Anyway, it's tired and I'm late :) It's been a real long day and time for me to get some sleep - by the way, my billets tonight are just wonderful!
Thanks again all for your continued prayer and support.
Stay Real,
The 0 is for ouch
Who knew there were two 4 o'clocks on a Saturday?! I thought there was only one in the afternoon! I mean, I've seen 4 in the morning a number of times before, but only from the other side (Friday night) I got up this morning at 0400 - that's not good for a night owl like myself. At the airport at 0600 (at least I got a coffee) and then on a flight at 0730. At least the lovely people at Qantas looked after us.!
We're on the bus at the moment, having just stopped at Gympie for lunch (mmmm, pies) I'm not exactly a big fan of long bus trips (apparently about 4 hours today) but it'll get us there.
Bundaberg tonight. Setup, sound check, etc when we get there.
Personally, I can't wait to play. It's been a week or two since I played my bass and I can't wait to get back to playing - and praising God through it.
Everyone seems to be eagerly anticipating having a sing. There's always a great anticipatory feeling at the beginning of a tour. We all know God's gonna use us for great things and can't wait to see what he's gonna do.
Stay posted - plenty more to come!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
The Sydney Staff Songsters are a choir of the Salvation Army. Our mission statement:
Through music and our dedicated lives, we aim to passionately communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The aim of this is to keep you updated with the goings-on of the group, and to provide a little insight into what we do. A little bit of a 'behind-the-scenes' if you will.
Stay tuned for updates...