Sydney Staff Songsters

A choir of the Salvation Army, who, through music and our dedicated lives, aim to passionately communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sunday, July 09, 2006


So. Sunday is over - and what a day!

We started off this morning with another early start (can you tell yet that I'm not a morning person?) and broke the group into. Some went to a nursing home and some to the Elliot Heads outpost. I went to the nursing home. It was great time. The residents really enjoed the time we spent there and I was really blessed. There was lady who sat in her wheelchair and sang along with every song we did - most of which she'd never heard before - with a huge smile on her face. It was great to be involved in something that brought so much joy to them.

Ken sat down with a few of the residents to have a listen. We thought about leaving him there, he seemed to fit in...

We had a great morning worship service this morning and then afterward a fellowship lunch. I've never seen so much food! Everyone was fed and there was more left over. Those Bundabergers really know how to look after a group! I was given the task of returning thanks - kinda difficult today as I appear to have lost my voice with the flu. I got by and managed to get a few laughs...

A nice casual afternoon. I went for a stroll and had a coffee.

The PSA this afternoon was great - nice and relaxed. Quite a few laughs.

Graeme got all the Bundabergers in the group (3 people from the SSS were born in Bundaberg), as well as Wes (the new Bandmaster/Marty & Bram's cousin and the had a bit of a sing:

Our time in Bundaberg has been great. The officer came and told us this afternoon about the great work the the Salvos are doing in the local community. From drug and alcohol rehabilitation programmes to crisis accomodation, it's incredible the amount of ways they're reaching out to the local community and meeting their needs. We're going tomorrow morning to have a look at the Tom Quinn community centre. It'll be great to see what we've heard spoken about.

I learnt alot about my family history today. My Great-Grandfather was the first of my family to start coming to the Salvation Army in the early 1900's - in Bundaberg! I was given his songbook by one of my (second or third) cousins today and she talked me throught the family history. It's kinda confusing, but I'm glad to have heard it. I mean, I am the only male left in the family to carry on the family name.

Hopefully I'm not boring you too much. I'm basically trying to give people an idea of what we're doing. I've got a couple of guest bloggers booked for the next couple of days.

I'm gonna get an early night tonight. I need to get some sleep to try and battle this flu and yes Dad, I'm drinking lots of water!

Anyway time for some rest.

God is good - we're so blessed!

Stay Real,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to the 3 of you for doing this blog thing!!!! I am so excited!!!! Your number one groupie has been praying for some time for this tour and your assured that it will continue!!! I know that God is going to continue to use you in such a mighty way.....and I am sure that each of you will grow in the Spirit! Thanks again for taking the time to do this those of us who love and adore you can follow at least parts of your 'journey'!! Blessings on all you do....on all your days!

Love from "Mum" in Canada

12:20 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a wonderful weekend we had. Travelled up from Hervey Bay and were very blessed by the whole weekend. Keep up the good work and we will be praying that God will continue to use you to bless others.

1:07 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings from BUNDABERG - thank you SSS for wonderful weekend in Bundy and especially meeting friends from the past.

Also, to my SECOND COUSIN, Drew - so proud of you using your talents for God.

Blessings on the remainder of your N.Q. visit.

Elaine Coventry - Bundaberg.

12:49 pm  

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