A note from a man about Townsville
Now Mum, I have a little news... I got engaged this evening, well sort of, you see Isabel (Ross and Mel's daughter) announced to her mother that we are going to get married. I've added a photo so you can see her......
It'll most likely be a long engagement. :-p

So... Townsville, they have a wonderful new building, two weeks old if my sources are correct, the completion and timing of which I'm led to believe is a miracle in itself. A wonderful congregation, who were just so warm and welcoming that we thought we'd stop the concert to capture the moment for all time...
It's really a shame to leave in the morning, seeing as we've only just arrived, but that has been the case all throughout this tour, and this is definitely no exception.
We had an opportunity to share the comments from the BLOG thus far with the group this afternoon, they've been great to hear individually as they came in, however with the little bit of time we had before the concert we got them all together for anyone who hadn't seen them all.
Thankyou to everyone who's written, know that your words and prayers are gladly received, keep em' coming.
Well, bed calls, as there's a long ol bus trip tomorrow, and it's a rather early start.
Hope to hear from you all soon ;-)
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