Sydney Staff Songsters

A choir of the Salvation Army, who, through music and our dedicated lives, aim to passionately communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sunday, July 16, 2006


It's been a long day, but so enjoyable.

We had a lot of the day off today, so most people went into the centre of Cairns to have a look around and a shop. There's a manmade lagoon that seemed just perfect for a photo. Here's a few of us:

And some of the boys striking a pose by the foreshore:

Of course, the band that eats together plays better together, so Matty and I had an ice cream:

Warren wasn't with us, so I had an extra scoop of ice cream for him :)

We also had decided to have an unofficial SSS 'Hat Day', hence Matty and I with our stylish headwear.

The concert this evening in Cairns was incredible. The audience were so warm and welcoming. From the moment we walked out to meet them you could feel a sense of expectation and there was no disappointment.

During the break, Damien found himself a friend to play dolls with:

And here's a few photos of the audience! What a great bunch!

Marty and Sue sang Your Grace Still Amazes Me a song that has really begun to mean alot to me over the last week. When I think of all the ways God has blessed me, these words really sum it up:

What can I give You?

What can I say?
I know there's no way to repay You,
Only to offer you my praise.

God's grace astounds me!

After the concert a group of us went back into town to go for a walk and then have some coffee (and pancakes!)

The lagoon looked so pretty, I had to grab another photo:

I've spent a lot of time this week thanking God for the SSS. We've grown alot together this week and been through some stuff together, but this only makes us stronger. Each member of the group has blessed me in their own way. For those in the the SSS who'll read this, I love you all so much. Thanks for allowing me to be part of this God-annointed ministry.

Time for some more sleep. Church tomorrow. A day of praising and worshipping our Heavenly Father. I can hardly wait!

God is good - all the time!

Stay Real,



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