Sydney Staff Songsters

A choir of the Salvation Army, who, through music and our dedicated lives, aim to passionately communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Guest Blogger - Susan

Mornings come really quick in Bundaberg and so time to get up came as quite a surprise! I was in the group going to Pioneer South Nursing Home and we arrived with plenty of time to spare, so a few of us took the opportunity to rest in the easy chairs and rest our eyes. Sleep can come very easily in such a comfortable chair and Karenne even found a n ice crocheted rug to cover knees. Gradually the residents arrived from their breakfastand we had to vacate the chairs and get ready for our singalong and mini concert.They enjoyed the songs we sang and joined in with the ones they knew.

Nursing homes are great audiences. they really appreciate your visit and this was no exception; but ooften i feel the greatest ministry and pleasure is in the few moments before we leave.. time to have a little chat, when you take their frail old hand and they hang on a littole longer wanting you to stay.. When they tell you "No, my family don't come often - they're very busy you know"or with tears in their eyes say"I used to sing when I was young" What a privelege to be able to minister to people for whom heaven is possibly just around the corner.
We "Just love old people"

Susan P


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