Sydney Staff Songsters

A choir of the Salvation Army, who, through music and our dedicated lives, aim to passionately communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The warmth of Mackay

Mackay tonight was a great crowd. The people were really warm (as was the weather) and friendly. It seemed like we were also able to spend alot more time getting to know them during the times we had to interact. The concert felt really relaxed tonight and there was a real feeling of God's presence.

Elwyn sang I Just Love Old People and found a new fan. I think he was pleased to meet someone shorter than him :) (we love you Elwyn!)

We also had a few opportunities for the audience to have a sing with the group tonight and I must say, they were in fine voice! Here they are - not singing just at this point (it's kinda hard for me to take photos while I'm playing)

During most concerts, the band will play something at the end of the intermission to let people know that it's time to come back and sit down. Believe it or not, most of these are made up during the intermission. We'll come up with a couple of songs, a style and a key a just sort of see how it goes. We've had some gold and some not so good.

Tonight we played the song It's no longer I That Liveth with the jazz/funk piece Chameleon. It was really cool. During this tour Marty has started being the first back to the stage and done a little dance. Tonight was his version of the robot. That boy has got some moves...

We have a day off tomorrow we'll be in Airlie Beach. It'll be nice for the group to have the opportunity to rest their voices and to just relax. We travel very well together, but not having to spend half a day on the bus should be great!

If the opportunity presents, there'll be a post tomorrow.

Stay tuned & Stay Real,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, peoples... I hope the sun broke through at Airlie today for all of you.. We'll be expecting to see some sunburnt noses in the concert thursday night (Elwyn, make sure you slip, slop, slap while you're up here - including the shiny bits above y' forehead... GB

11:11 pm  

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