Tonight I remembered exactly why I love this group and being part of it's ministry. We had a concert this evening at Shalom Catholic College in Bundaberg and it was incredible.

We performed in the school's new theatre, which has apparently only been open for about 6 months. It was great venue with state-of-the-art everything.
Tonight was also the night we debuted our new performance attire for the tour.
And yes, those are Hawaiian shirts the guys are wearing!

As part of this evening's programme there was a segment for the retirement of Bandmaster Don Cooke. We also saw the Mayor of Bundaberg present a certificate of appreciation to him. She spoke very highly of him and his presence within the local community. It was great to see a man of so many years musical experience being honoured in this way.
I always enjoy playing and tonight was no exception. The band got together for 5 minutes before we got changed and arranged a new piece to play. Because of the new Hawaiian shirts, we went with a Hawaiian type theme. The songs Wipeout, Hawaii Five-0 and With Christ in My Vessel all amalgamated in to a fun piece to start the second half.

Nights like tonight always remind me of God's annointing on us and our ministry. It's for Him we do it and for Him alone. We sang a song tonight called Still. Here's some of the words:
Hide me now under your wings,
Cover me within your mighty hand.
What a great prayer! God is protecting us and just enveloping us with His love. I've been thanking Him already for the safety with our travelling. If you're praying for us, please pray for continued protection and that our collective health would improve. There a quite a few members of the group suffering from the flu that's been going around.
Anyway, it's tired and I'm late :) It's been a real long day and time for me to get some sleep - by the way, my billets tonight are just wonderful!
Thanks again all for your continued prayer and support.
Stay Real,

We performed in the school's new theatre, which has apparently only been open for about 6 months. It was great venue with state-of-the-art everything.
Tonight was also the night we debuted our new performance attire for the tour.

As part of this evening's programme there was a segment for the retirement of Bandmaster Don Cooke. We also saw the Mayor of Bundaberg present a certificate of appreciation to him. She spoke very highly of him and his presence within the local community. It was great to see a man of so many years musical experience being honoured in this way.
I always enjoy playing and tonight was no exception. The band got together for 5 minutes before we got changed and arranged a new piece to play. Because of the new Hawaiian shirts, we went with a Hawaiian type theme. The songs Wipeout, Hawaii Five-0 and With Christ in My Vessel all amalgamated in to a fun piece to start the second half.

Nights like tonight always remind me of God's annointing on us and our ministry. It's for Him we do it and for Him alone. We sang a song tonight called Still. Here's some of the words:
Hide me now under your wings,
Cover me within your mighty hand.
What a great prayer! God is protecting us and just enveloping us with His love. I've been thanking Him already for the safety with our travelling. If you're praying for us, please pray for continued protection and that our collective health would improve. There a quite a few members of the group suffering from the flu that's been going around.
Anyway, it's tired and I'm late :) It's been a real long day and time for me to get some sleep - by the way, my billets tonight are just wonderful!
Thanks again all for your continued prayer and support.
Stay Real,
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