Sydney Staff Songsters

A choir of the Salvation Army, who, through music and our dedicated lives, aim to passionately communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

And on the 5th day we rested

Today has been our day off and it's been just what I needed.

We're in Airlie Beach and I've spent the day just relaxing. We've all just been doing whatever we feel like. Some have gone to some of the Whitsunday Islands, others shopping and some have just lazed by the pool at the Motel.

I went for a stroll through the shops in the town centre with a few of the guys and had a coffee, then another coffee, then a walk followed by a coffee... (see where this is going?)

Here's Franc at the beach (inbetween coffees!)

I've spent the afternoon at the Motel. Been in the spa, relaxed by the pool and just generally done nothing and relaxed. Oh, and I've drunk coffee! Just what I needed on a day like this. In fact, I still haven't moved from next to the pool. I'm actually still sitting there writing this on my laptop...

Anyway, gotta go. Going to have dinner shortly. Back on the road again tomorrow heading to Townsville Faithworks Corps. About 4 or so hours on the bus.

I love ministry!

PS. Happy Birthday to Graeme Press!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope that the Bust boys are having a restful time. Marty shouldn't be hungry for about another month.

8:34 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRAEME from one of those Bundabergers who has a birthday very close to yours.

9:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like a wonderful day! sure am enjoying following your journey this way...thanks again!

God bless you each one....happy birthday to Graeme....and may your ministry continue to be all for Him...all in Him!!


9:53 pm  

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