Sydney Staff Songsters

A choir of the Salvation Army, who, through music and our dedicated lives, aim to passionately communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Guest Blogger - Christine P

Well it was my first tour with this group and I was excited and nervous all at once, but now at the end of it I'm still excited but now very much humbled and challenged by what I have experienced over the last 8 days. (By the way I have now seen more of Queensland in 8 days than I have of NSW in the almost 11 months I have been living in Sydney - and it's great!!)

I have been humbled and delighted by the response of people in the various Corps centres to the ministry that we bring. And I was challenged by the committment they have to bring the light of Jesus to their people. Some of the Corps we visited are facing issues and difficult times, and I believe that God had His hand on our tour from before we even started. This was the right time for us to visit these places - not only to share the Gospel with those who may not know Jesus, but also to bring a time of refreshing and blessing to the Officers and Corps folk who are giving of themselves constantly to be Jesus to their communities. I believe God worked through us to bring encouragement, blessing and assurance to those who came to see us.

Wow!! It's all over...but the challenge now is to take the same sort of committment that we have seen this week back into our own Corps and community, believing that God will take our efforts and multiply them. Praise Him!!



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