Sydney Staff Songsters

A choir of the Salvation Army, who, through music and our dedicated lives, aim to passionately communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Guest Blogger - Col the Bus Driver

On board with the songsters

Thank you.

With opportunity to drive the songsters from Brisbane to Cairns came the unknown. What would it be like? The people, the concerts and services, the expectation. when God is there, don't worry be happy!

It has been fantastic!! Through these gifted and annointed people God has challenged lots of people along the way, no one more than me. Blessed? For sure. Thank you one and all for your encouragement and for being you for God.

I'm very glad I was on board with the Sydney Staff Songsters because they had God with them, living in them and shining through.

God bless,


(AKA Major Colin Robinson)


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