Sydney Staff Songsters

A choir of the Salvation Army, who, through music and our dedicated lives, aim to passionately communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Guest Blogger - Neryl P

Two days in and I can’t begin to tell you how much fun we're having - the blessings are just amazing. I had a wonderful surprise on Saturday night when I met Heather and Tom Pennell who I knew from when my family lived in Kalbar. I hadn’t seen them for such a long time and they are just the nicest people.

Yesterday was a fantastic day sharing in worship with the Bundabergers. God is great and I am constantly amazed by his love and grace in my life. If the tour were to end today I would not feel ripped off. I’ve met some beautiful people and made many new friends, but more than all that, God's name has been glorified and people's lives touched by his amazing love. What more could we ask?

But the tour is moving on... Off to Rockhampton today and I gotta say I’m really happy about that. I know God has heaps more in store for us and the people we're going to meet. Hi to all supporting us with your prayers and thankyou... we appreciate you.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Neryl,
We prayed for a great week-end and God surely did deliver, didn't he?
We were loath to let you go on monday, and stayed quite a while outside the hall just talking about the experience of the week-end.
Our prayers went with you for safe travel and more sharing the love of God through music.
Mary & I send our love to you & Graeme,

8:59 am  

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