Recording time!

Be vewy quiet. We're recording another album!
It's that time again. We're working on our next album. The recording process started on Friday night, with the band heading into the studio to start putting down the backing tracks. As usual, we had trouble controlling our drummer....

Matty and I got into the groove of things. The whole process ran really smooth this year.

And if there's one thing that keeps a recording session going, it's a Musical Director on coffee!

Brooke came along to sing guide vocals for us. It makes life much easier knowing where you're up to in the song.

I love studio time. We always have so much fun. It's alot of work, but at the same time we know that the end result will be worth it. We never know exactly how God will use our recordings, but we know that He does. We've heard so many stories of people's lives that have been touched by our music.
The choir will be working on their part of the album later this week. Pray for rest and strong voices for them.
Hopefully some updates on that soon...
Stay Real,